A distraction from the election: The case for employee-owned companies


“Ellerman has for years made an argument as startling as it is hard to refute: “the labor theory of property.” It’s that employees should own the firms they work for because of very simple logic: If they’re responsible for the consequences of their actions while on the job — committing a crime, say — how can it be that they’re not responsible for the positive things they do?”


  • @Makeitstop
    284 months ago

    Local employye owned grocery chain is consistently the best place to shop, didn’t inflate prices across the board like everyone else, and the workers actually get treated like human beings. It’s proof enough for me that this model should be far more common

    • @captainlezbian
      74 months ago

      When the employees own the company every decision is made according to employee and community interests. I’m a syndicalist for that reason. Though I do acknowledge that there is a need for community funded and owned ventures as well.