A potential plan by Republican leaders to steal the 2024 presidential election. The plan involves delaying the certification of election results in key battleground states, potentially decreasing the overall number of electors appointed and allowing Donald Trump to win the presidency through a contingent election, whereby the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College, determines the president.

  • @4lan
    74 months ago

    Definitely guns. Go to any of the unregulated forums and read what people are saying.
    They want to kill you.

    • @[email protected]
      84 months ago

      If they try that with me and mine, they will find out that at least some liberals are armed, and damn good shots. Go .308 or go home.

      • @nomous
        14 months ago

        I just got a new 6.5 Creedmoor for deer season and I’ve been really pleased with it so far. I’ve only had it to the range to zero it in so far but it shoots really nice, I’m excited to take it out and try to get something in a few weeks.