A potential plan by Republican leaders to steal the 2024 presidential election. The plan involves delaying the certification of election results in key battleground states, potentially decreasing the overall number of electors appointed and allowing Donald Trump to win the presidency through a contingent election, whereby the House of Representatives, not the Electoral College, determines the president.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    34 months ago

    You have read meanings into my comment that aren’t intended and have presumed I lack a career in military service. The U.S. military is forbidden from enforcing policy on U.S. soil by the Posse Comitatus Act.

    The military is not going to do anything about election issues or any other issues unless leadership has been compromised at large. I doubt they will be compromised.

    • @Entropywins
      44 months ago

      I did assume as I do a lot, but I see what you are saying now.