• @DarkCloud
    4 months ago
    1. Our parents shouldn’t have used other people’s suffering to try to force us to eat, or be greatful.

    2. Our parents shouldn’t have used political crisises, like Rawanda, or famines, or things we wouldn’t comprehend as children. Don’t reference geopolitical crisis and expect your children to understand.

    3. There was something racist in what they were doing - it implied African parents weren’t responsible. When in actual fact the causes of conflict and crisis in Africa are multi-facetted, globalized, and complicated.

    4. Africa is far more well developed in some parts than lots of westerners assume.

    Thank you for reading.

    • @[email protected]
      304 months ago

      This is the “Africa” of first-world white-people rhetoric and AI-generated Facebook inspirational slop, a hypothetical war-torn, disease-ravaged wasteland, not the actual continent that exists.

    • @Smoogs
      4 months ago

      It also exploits another person’s tragedy to make it about themselves taking away from the tragedy to focus on them. It’s narcissistic. And it’s reductive of tragedy. If speaking of third world problems should only be to focus on them. Not to take something from them for yourself.

      “You should be grateful”

      If it’s about trite platitudes and gratitude, go make a list. Find another way to teach that. When the topic is about someone else’s tragedy, get out of yourself and pay attention to those around you more.

      “I have to remember so blessed when I think of someone else’s tragedy”

      If you need a boost, Count your blessings against your own gamut of success. No need to compare and push yourself in front of someone else’s gamut all just to feel good about yourself.

    • @Makeitstop
      244 months ago

      It’s also being dismissive of real problems people face. It’s an excuse to not address problems here and now because bigger problems exist elsewhere. But you aren’t going to do a goddamn thing about those issues, so this implied triage is a lie. It’s just a way of trying to act morally superior while lacking empathy.

      The whole first world problem concept implies everyone has it easy in first world countries. As though we don’t have poverty, mental health issues, crime, corruption, police brutality, abusive families, disease, loss of loved ones, and so on. There’s no shortage of problems anywhere.

      And you know what, fuck this attitude of turning suffering into competition and mocking people for being bothered by things that aren’t life altering. There’s nothing wrong with a healthy expression of emotion when you are disappointed or irritated, as long as you aren’t taking it out on others. But being a snarky asshole to someone and judging them for having a bad day isn’t helping.

      If you see someone frowning and your instinct is to tear them down rather than cheer them up, maybe you should take a good look at yourself and figure out what your fucking problem is.

      • @ivonalannaOP
        4 months ago

        It’s also being dismissive of real problems people face.

        No, it’s not doing that all! Having your name spelled wrong on a Starbucks cup IS NOT a real problem! You’re fabricating outrage at something that does not exist in the comic. The artist is making fun of the petty nonsense that people complain about. So, it’s not dismissive of real problems because it doesn’t list a single real problem in the comic.

        • @Makeitstop
          174 months ago

          You’re fabricating outrage at something that does not exist in the comic

          The comment I was replying to was clearly talking about a pattern of behavior beyond what is in the comic.

          The artist is making fun of the petty nonsense that people complain about.

          Which is a pretty goddamn petty thing to complain about. How dare people express their opinions and dissatisfaction with anything that isn’t the end of the fucking world, right?

          Yes, there are people who blow such things way out of proportion, but this comic does nothing to distinguish between reasonable responses to these issues and unreasonable ones, it just lumps them all together and tells everyone to shut the fuck up in the most condescending way possible.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Your points 1 and 4 are valid but the others read too much in “Eat up, in Africa kids are starving”.

      At least my mother never went into detail about why the kids there are starving. She also ignored me saying “well, send it to them then, I don’t want it”.

    • @stupidcasey
      -394 months ago

      Thanks chatGPT, fyi if you are trying to fool people you should never use the word multifaceted and you should remove the ordered list, only AI care enough about a shit post to use an ordered list.

        • @stupidcasey
          -304 months ago

          Lol, If you’re trying to defend this as real, I truly have no hope for humanity.

          • @DarkCloud
            4 months ago

            You’re kinda stupid huh? Is that real enough for you?

            1. Oh no, an ordered list someone has written.

            2. Watch out, it contains the world multifacetted.

            3. It must therefore have been created by ChatGPT.

            4. No, you’re just a dumbass, dumbass.

            Get a better grip on reality man. Some people are just more capable than you. Deal with it.

            [EDIT: Struck through things said out of anger.]

            • @someacnt_
              14 months ago

              Honestly I have trouble dealing with the fact that others (like you) are very eloquent, while I am just a babbling buffoon. It is difficult

              • @DarkCloud
                24 months ago

                Thanks for the compliment, no biggie, sorry I got angry and called you stupid. It’s understandable to be paranoid about AI.

                One option would have been to make it less of an accusation, and just say “I don’t trust that this isn’t AI. Write a recipe for muffins”… that would make it lighthearted.

                I myself have trouble with reading, reading comprehension, and spelling. Part of how I got to be more articulate was that I used a text-to-speech reading program called “Balabolka” (for Windows 10, other operating systems have their own versions of this). That allowed me to listen to more articles, which made me learn stuff, which made me argue and debunk misinformation online - which made me learn how to better present arguments and convince others.

                So that was my path, but everyone’s got their own. Thanks for being so honest with yourself, and sorry again for how I reacted. I really respect that kind of honesty.

          • kamiheku
            204 months ago

            ChatGPT would for sure know how to spell multifaceted and Rwanda though.

          • @[email protected]
            194 months ago

            Yes, chat gpt deliberately spelt words wrong and kept it’s sentences straight forwards and without bizzare, unweildly, clauses. 🤔😂

      • @YarHarSuperstar
        234 months ago

        Fucking AI obsessed idiot. Not everything is AI, just because it uses a word with more than a couple syllables.

        • zqps
          4 months ago

          There are several phrases that LLMs would not generate this way. It’s unhelpful to only look for indicators in one direction.