Since the Trump campaign seems to think so highly about the role of the Vice President, their power and their influence, I thought that this was an important reminder.

  • @DarkCloud
    4 months ago

    If a bunch of billionaires who control the algorithm want you to think something about history. That’s what you’ll think. Not much “looking back” to be done if that happens… And they have all the money they need to fulfill their plan. You should look some of this stuff up. 1. Yarvin wants a monarchy. 2. Thiel doesn’t think democracy is compatible with his idea of freedom. 3. Marc Andresseen wants each billionaire to run their own “network cities”.

    They all know each other, and donate to the cause. Investing in the related companies and projects.

    Look up those three sentences on google. See if I’m telling the truth. Thiel was involved with Cambridge Analytica via his company Palantir. That was the plot to manipulate people’s emotions by inserting stories into their social media feeds.

    They’re not going to go away. It’s not a matter of what you’ll think of Trump… These guys won’t stop after he’s gone. They want an end to democracy, and have all the money. Musk is with them. Eventually you will be convinced too.

    There won’t be any looking back where you’re going.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      You can choose to stick your head into any echo chamber you’d like and a billionaire can’t control that

      • @DarkCloud
        14 months ago

        You should really lookup what the Cambridge Analytica scandal was… They didn’t tell people they were manipulating them, they just did it.

        That’s part of the point. People who want to end Democracy aren’t doing so because they respect your right to choose.

        Likewise, I doubt you’d get a choice if your city falls under the domain of a network city.

        I think if you really don’t understand, then maybe that’s what’s needed to make you understand.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Yeah, I’m familiar with Cambridge Analytica. My response was to a single paragraph unedited comment and I stand by what I said.

          A confluence of things unrelated to the desires of billionaires helps influence what a person believes or what bias they will seek. I mean, I can’t just take some random left-wing person and have them read Fox News and expect them to become a Trump supporter, can I?