
In October 2020, Samuel Paty, a French teacher, was murdered following a false accusation by a 13-year-old student who claimed he’d shown anti-Muslim bias. The girl had made up the story to cover the fact she had been suspended from school for bad behaviour.

In reality, Paty’s lesson on free speech included optional viewing of Charlie Hebdo cartoons, but he hadn’t excluded anyone. The student’s story triggered a social media campaign led by her father, who, along with others, is now on trial for inciting hatred and connections to Paty’s attacker, an 18-year-old radicalized Chechen.

The school will be named the Samuel Paty School from next year.

  • Flax
    -914 months ago

    If there is no God, then morality doesn’t exist.

    • @SkyezOpen
      544 months ago

      And that’s why you are not a good person. Most people don’t need the threat of eternal hellfire to empathize and understand that it’s bad to hurt people.

      • Flax
        -544 months ago

        That’s because there is a God and we have a moral compass that’s divinely designed. But without God, it can still be overridden. Everyone has committed evil at some point in their lives.

        • @[email protected]
          134 months ago

          Your beliefs are not supported by anything other than an old book. Shit, Newtons theories of gravity have more evidence for them than your boom of fairytale and we’ve still discredited them. Regardless of the prominence of belief in the Christian God and its pervasiveness in western culture, that does not mean that morality does not exist without God unless you come at it from a specifically platonist philosophy. And therein we see the problem: your subscription to one form of ancient philosophy and denial that other ways of thinking even exist.

          • Flax
            -54 months ago

            Most of history isn’t supported by anything other than an old book. You can’t compare it to gravity.

            • @[email protected]
              34 months ago

              I also know that history doesn’t make metaphysical claims about the nature of the universe and concepts such as morality. Science is our best way of understanding the world, not voodoo. That’s why I mentioned gravity.

    • @Duamerthrax
      4 months ago

      The religious do not have a monopoly on morality, ethics or the social contract. If they did, the secular people wouldn’t be outraged whenever a religious leader got caught diddling a kid.

      • Flax
        -124 months ago

        If I had a penny for every time someone on here used the sexual abuse of children to try and debunk the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I’d have enough to buy a sandwich.

        • @Duamerthrax
          4 months ago

          Hypothetically, even if Jesus came back from the dead, what does that have to do with his self described “followers” being child molesters? What does that have to do with non believers being outraged at the various denominations reluctant at confronting the molesters?

    • @[email protected]
      194 months ago

      Did you read the article? Because I think the person beheading the guy had strong “religious morals”…

        • @nyctre
          4 months ago

          So not only did you weep when you read the bible, but you also promptly forgot everything it said and proceeded to judge others despite Jesus’ words. What a good christian. Please go away.

          • Flax
            -84 months ago

            Huh? When did I judge others?

            • @nyctre
              44 months ago

              “that’s Islam” isn’t judgy to you? As if beheading someone is the average answer to stuff in the quran. Also, remember that the bible and the quran are both based on the same stuff. They’re not as different as you’d like to believe. It’s literally just a bible with some added texts which. Both of which are barbaric due to them being outdated.

              Also, I suggest you reread Ecclesiastes 5:2 for another example of how you’re sinning in this thread.

              • Flax
                -84 months ago

                The Qur’an is absolutely not based on the “same stuff”. Such a claim is just flat out false. It is in no way the Bible with added texts- that’s just flat out incorrect. And your Bible verse about approaching the temple out of context isn’t relevant either.

                • @nyctre
                  64 months ago

                  They’ve all taken the Torah that Moses dreamt up and made their own version with hookers and blackjack. You can spin it however you want, but it’s true. The fact that it’s not copied word for word doesn’t change the fact that it’s the same foundation.

                  The Egyptians and the Mesopotamians/Babylonians influenced the Canaanite religion, then that evolved into Judaism, then that splintered into Judaism and Christianity and then came Mohammed who was like “yep, those guys and those books came from God! And I am the last prophet of God!”

                  Then we got a bunch of other prophets like Joseph Smith, Nostradamus, David Koresh, Jim Jones, Ellen White, etc. So… Yeah.

                  Also, I guess this is an example of how different people interpret these books. To me, 5:2 seems to speak against word vomit, which is what I was implying you’re doing in this thread and others.

                  • Flax
                    -54 months ago

                    The existence of those lunatics doesn’t discredit Jesus Christ. Jesus didn’t claim to be a prophet- He claimed to be God Himself. Something Mohammed conveniently retconned. Mohammed and Joseph Smith seeked power and extra wives. Ellen seeks money. Jesus was crucified.

    • JustEnoughDucks
      144 months ago

      Wow, just tell everyone that you are a sociopath with no conscience or empathy?

      If you have no morality without pedophiles and a global child abuse rings threatening you with torture for eternity, then you are a horrible person all around with or without religion.

      • Flax
        -94 months ago

        I do not have paedophiles and child abuse rings threatening to torture me forever, what are you on about

        • JustEnoughDucks
          4 months ago

          Abrahamic religious organizations are notoriously and with very few exceptions, hosts to child abuse rings and shuffle pedophiles consistently around their organizations when it comes out in their community. See: every Catholic church scandal of the last 100 years and further, and hundreds of protestant church scandals in the past decades.

          They threaten that if you don’t follow their book and do what they say that their deity demands, you will be tortured in hell for all eternity.

          There is no hate like christian love.


          And hundreds more of individual cases here:

          Not even counting the sexual predator pastors and clergy shielded by the church

          • Flax
            -54 months ago

            I do not love an organisation. I love Jesus Christ. This is irrelevant to me.

            • JustEnoughDucks
              4 months ago

              Ah yes, the classic child-abuser-apologist line that every “christian” brings out when confronted about the abuse of their revered leaders that they absolutely refuse to condemn before they go back to church to give money directly to the abusers every week.

              Do you love Jesus or have convinced yourself that you love him because you are so afraid of hell? Very Stockholm syndrome-esque. Take kids during their developmental years and tell them that “people” go to hell and are tortured forever unless they love Jesus and follow sky-daddy’s rules (and by extension, the rules of the church). Then they are told that over and over until they are brought to a special ceremony to declare their love.

              Or I guess you have never once been to church and never a single time been told that people go to hell if they don’t love Jesus and accept him into their hearts? I guess you just read the entire bible without any external influence at all and converted after your brain was fully developed after 25 or so, again, with nobody telling you about it. But I guess when you lie, you can just ask Daddy for forgiveness and you get off with no consequences! Tons of harm, no foul.

              Either way, I guess I am glad because it is the only thing stopping you from rampaging around murdering, raping people and animals, stealing, torturing, maiming, abusing, and whatever else you apparently so strongly desire to do.

              • Flax
                14 months ago

                Ah yes, the classic child-abuser-apologist line that every “christian” brings out when confronted about the abuse of their revered leaders that they absolutely refuse to condemn before they go back to church to give money directly to the abusers every week.

                My church doesn’t have child abusers that I’m aware of. If they did, I’d leave. I left a different church, partially because they paid licencing fees to Hillsong, which had several scandals.

                “people” go to hell and are tortured forever unless they love Jesus and folow sky-daddy’s rules (and by extension, the rules of the church).

                God issues justice, and all are sinful. Only Jesus can save you. Not a Church or following rules. Church is where I receive the sacraments, meet with other believers, worship, and help build God’s kingdom.

                But I guess when you lie, you can just ask Daddy for forgiveness and you get off with no consequences! Tons of harm, no foul.

                That’s contradictory. You were upset with God’s justice, now you’re upset with His mercy.

                If you want to suffer the consequences of your actions, you are welcome to do so. But don’t act like He didn’t take it on for you.