I feel like you just inadvertently described the problem with 99% of meme “communities” on the internet. I used quotes there because they’re more like image dumps than actual communities. Every new one that pops up just gets filled with the posts from the others until they’re all homogenous…The fact that there’s a risk of running out says a lot. I haven’t seen an OC meme community in years
@[email protected] would it make sense to have a meta thread where people can post about good places to dig up more comics, or ask other questions like if a post is allowed?
I feel like you just inadvertently described the problem with 99% of meme “communities” on the internet. I used quotes there because they’re more like image dumps than actual communities. Every new one that pops up just gets filled with the posts from the others until they’re all homogenous…The fact that there’s a risk of running out says a lot. I haven’t seen an OC meme community in years
@[email protected] would it make sense to have a meta thread where people can post about good places to dig up more comics, or ask other questions like if a post is allowed?
That’s a good idea, thanks. I’ll try to put something together tomorrow.