The recent post in the Wikipedia community about the Trojan Room coffee pot got me thinking: are there any interesting webcams still running on the web? If so, do you have any favorites?

Aside from my local ski area I didn’t think I could name a single webcam still running.

  • Plum
    74 months ago

    USGS maintains some cool ones, and has a youtube page for when something rare happens at Mauna Kea or wherever.

    Scripps Institute has a bunch. The underwater camera at their pier in La Jolla, CA, is pretty active.

    • kersplooshOP
      44 months ago

      Oh man, the Scripps cams are making me want a beach vacation. It’s been too long since I’ve been to the ocean.

      • Prison Mike
        24 months ago

        The real trick is to move to a high cost of living area where you’re super near but can hardly afford to make it there as often as you’d like.