You might find this little tool useful:

3D-printed holes gauge block

This is a block with a series of vertical and horizontal holes from ⌀1 mm to ⌀3.6 mm (nominal) in 0.1-mm increments. I print this block with any new printer / new material at the layer thickness and speed I use most often and keep the blocks as references.

Then, when I want to print a part with a hole in it that will end up printed at the final diameter without any rework (or very close, but usually it ends up exactly right) I use the gauge block I printed with the printer and the material I intend to print the part out of to find out which nominal diameter hole I need to use in the model for the hole.

For instance, the block in the photo was printed on a Prusa Mk4 with PLA at 0.2 mm layer thickness. If I want a ⌀0.8-mm vertical hole with no interference in my final part in PLA out of that printer, I’ll need to model a ⌀1.2-mm hole. I know that because the shank of a 0.8-mm drillbit will slide freely in the vertical hole marked ⌀1.2 in the block.

Or if I want a hole that I can screw an M3 screw into without having to run a tap through it, the block tells me I would have to use a ⌀3.2-mm hole to fit a ⌀3-mm pin in freely, and I back off 0.4 mm to get a hole in which the screw thread will engage well but reasonably lightly, or 0.5 mm for a tighter engagement (but with a bit more risk with horizontal holes near an edge, because the layers might separate) so I know I’ll have to model a ⌀2.8 or ⌀2.7 hole in the model.

I use those gauge blocks all the time. They save me a lot of time on parts that I print often because I never have to ream or thread the holes: they come out the printer just right and ready to use.

  • @lemmyman
    24 months ago

    If I’m reading your comment right, you might be talking about gauging for inspection purposes, but that’s not what OP has here. I’d call it more of a printer calibration block.

    • @11111one11111
      -14 months ago

      I know what I’m looking at and know what I was looking to have made. Why would you even comment to tell me I’m wrong in knowing what I want when my comment specifically says I decided against going with inspection gages? Thank you for such an annoying reply.

      • @lemmyman
        14 months ago

        Wow dude I was trying to be helpful. That’s why I replied.

        • @11111one11111
          04 months ago

          Well now you kn9w the difference between trying to be helpful and being helpful. Your welcome.