Politicians love tellings us what they’ll do, but what are the things that you wish they’d get off their a$$ and do something about?

  • @RBWells
    34 months ago

    The environment. That’s really it, everything else is a lower priority to me, because fuck over the world and you have nothing. As far as what might be possible to do with laws and government actions, I would like to see oil taxed like a vice tax, money thrown towards clean energy & transportation and accounting rules changed to include all costs now “externalized”. So if you dump waste in a river, the cost of cleanup falls always entirely on the company that dumped, besides the penalties and jail time, if you are cutting down old trees, the cost is not just the planting of a young tree, but includes cost of time to grow it, but also just that these costs need to be in the prices of goods, as now there is distortion. Clean things should be cheaper not more expensive.