Me: Ireland - Approximately 2 minutes until poll in hand is the longest.

I’ve been seeing long lines for the US elections even for early voting. Seems completely unnecessary.

  • @NJSpradlin
    103 hours ago

    The shitty thing is, the long lines are by design. Election officials are regularly closing polling locations in inner cities because ‘they don’t have the funding to keep so many open’, when the state government chooses not to fund them. Rural areas have always had quick in-and-out voting merely due to how many people they’re providing for. While increasing the wait times at inner city polling places causes some voters to either not get the chance to vote because either they’re not allowed to at some point, or the extra votes aren’t sent up because they were too late… or it causes people to go home instead of wait in the freezing cold ass line for 4-6 hours. Some people were complaining about 8 hour lines that year.

    They cheat to win however they can.

    • @khannieOP
      11 minutes ago

      They cheat to win however they can.

      From the outside looking it it does appear that way but it seems so…un-American. I’ve spent a decent bit of time over there over the course of my life (north of 6 months total, mostly up and down both coasts) and I’m genuinely very fond of the US and its people and that has given me this internal sense of what “un-American” is if that isn’t a ludicrous statement.

      The whole “rig things to your advantage” thing is really mask off at this point and I’m surprised that it’s tolerated.