• @_stranger_
    34 months ago

    Answer one simple question: Do you honestly believe Trump will be better for Palestinians?

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      I believe the US is a white supremacist empire, founded on a settler colonial genocide, which is part of why it now supports another settler colonial genocide.

      There will be no change to that in the current political system. It requires a fundamental political change, probably revolution, but certainly the dismantling of the current political parties to change that.

      Maybe Trump will speed up the genocide of Palestinians, but the Democrats are equally committed to it, as they have thrown away every chance to end it, while taking every chance to perpetuate it.

      • @_stranger_
        64 months ago

        So your floor here is “throw gas on the fire”. Got it. You admit at best he’ll be the same, and you’re advocating for it. Your stance doesn’t seem sane for someone who wants less pain and suffering.

        • RedWizard [he/him]
          14 months ago

          So what is your plan exactly? You want to vote for a genocider, giving them the one thing you have in exchange, your one bargaining chip? And then what, write a strongly worded letter? Or are you one of those libs that intends to go back to brunch having “Done your part” in voting for “The lesser evil” who will still genocide the Palestinians? Could you be one of those people who want to “be done with politics” so that it’s “no longer in your face anymore”? You don’t strike me as the “organize my workforce towards collective action centered around Gaza” type.

          When you are making demands, you need leverage. The baseline leverage you have, is your vote. You’ve not leveraged a single thing.

          • @_stranger_
            -14 months ago

            You can put your vote behind one of them or a trash can. Of the three, which is most likely to be influenced to go the direction you want?

            That’s what voting is for.

            • RedWizard [he/him]
              24 months ago

              If you give me your vote unconditionally, then I have what I wanted and give up nothing in return. Even if you stand outside and shout at me after you gave me your vote, it still doesn’t matter because you gave me what I wanted willingly with zero conditions. Clearly, my position on any topic is of no interest to you either, otherwise you would have tried to make a deal with me, but you didn’t.

              So how about this: You give me your vote, and I’ll do whatever the fuck I want.

      • @_stranger_
        44 months ago

        Didn’t answer the question. The choice is binary at this point. You can support the one person who’s actually said they’ll try and stop it, or you can throw your support in the trash and help the opposition that’s said “Finish the problem” when referring to the people of Palestine.

          • @_stranger_
            54 months ago

            Genocide is absolutely on the ballot. That lady up there said she’ll do everything in her power to stop the war. You’re advocating for throwing your hands in the air and leaving it to chance. That’s horrifying.

            As much as I love that insult (“delusional wishcasting child” is excellent), that’s not me. I’m quite grounded in reality. That reality is as follows:

            Even if you became president tomorrow, stabbed a bunch of senators to death, and forced the US to withdraw all military aid from Israel, blood would continue to flow like a river. The U.S. has influence right now. Throwing that influence away would leave Israel seeking other allies, like Russia, who would have no qualms about absolutely ratfucking every living person in the Gaza strip for money and influence.

            The reality is that the entire situation is super fucked, has been for a very long time, and won’t magically fix itself by a washing of hands. The least bloody way forward is diplomacy. The fastest path to peace is killing everyone on one side. Israel has no reason (in their insane leadership’s mind) to pursue diplomacy, and the only reason they even pretend to is to make the U.S. happy.