I was explaining this to my daughter in quite simplified terms the other day- we evolved to taste sugar and enjoy it because finding a sweet edible plant meant we had a source of energy to help us hunt that day. Pretty useful if you’re a hunter-gatherer.

So we seek out sugar. Now we can get it whenever we want it, in much more massive quantities than we are supposed to be processing. Most of us are addicted. I’m not an exception.

  • @AlotOfReading
    14 months ago

    The sweetest thing in nature is honey, nearly pure sugar that doesn’t spoil. Honey tends to be available year round in Africa where our taste buds evolved.

    • @angrystego
      4 months ago

      And with medicinal properties ;) A bit tricky to get though.

      • @AlotOfReading
        14 months ago

        A bit, but it’s a major caloric source in forager diets.