What shows have you grown out of, or has society grown out of? Were they popular in their time? Were they not so much? Why do you feel like they’ve aged? I’ll leave mine below

  • @nzeayn
    84 months ago

    big bang theory probably had the biggest fall off for me. was something that my ex wife and i always had on in the background. law&order on tnt aired less frequently than we watched big bang theory. the ball of anxiety bits appealed to her and sheldon got a lot of lines that made me laugh. our entire social circle was shitty to eachother like the characters, so it seemed normal. post divorce we’ve stayed close friends but both emptied out our social circles and restarted. that show has come up a few times and neither of us can finish a full episode anymore.

    sitcoms all feel gross these days though. new girl is really the only one i can still enjoy.

    • ScrubblesOP
      14 months ago

      I actually love New Girl, a guilty pleasure. Everyone is still a sociopath because in a sitcom every character has to be for a show to be interesting, but putting that aside they all were relatable and gelled well together.