I highly doubt the left will do anything uncivil. How can they win back the country? Is it too late?

  • @Modva
    153 months ago

    Most Americans like and support Trump. That IS America.

    • @SassyRamenOP
      73 months ago

      Now that is something to think about… sad really

      • @Modva
        103 months ago

        Yeah. Most people are probably experiencing the shock of what they thought the American people were vs what they are. It’s hard to understand and accept.

        As foreigners, our views are heavily affected by things like Hollywood, celebrity and visibility to the “best of America”. But the bulk of America is not that, at all. So the veneer is torn away and it’s jarring to most people.

        The only positive I see in all this is that we get to watch the US get what they voted for. Pain can be a teacher, but I doubt they can learn from it. Any and all agony from this will just be the other parties fault, always. Too much venom and malice in the politics and too little earnest substance.

    • Franklin
      23 months ago

      Yup, it’s the election where hate won.