From A Place Called Hope


Cuteness overload!! Northern Saw Whet Owl receives Cold Laser Therapy for a spinal trauma injury from a window collision. Listen to this owl tell me what’s up after snuck a scritch of the head in… was not appreciated. Most wild animals don’t appreciate our affection…

  • anon6789OP
    144 months ago

    4 NOV

    Some have asked how the Northern Saw Whet Owl is faring… he is still struggling to use his legs and stand due to a serious spinal and head trauma from his mishap with a window. He can now eat off the forceps without assistance and he does pull himself out of his fleece donut… he’s feeling better from the head trauma but we are still in need of healing to recover proper mobility. It’s been over one week, so needless to say, we are VERY attached over here. Time will tell and we are all trying so hard to get him through this. Cold Laser therapy has begun so we anticipate more progress. Each patient requires unique care and each day brings us more admits. Recently, many have supported us by purchasing items off our Amazon wish list. This really helps and since we can’t thank each person who has donated individually, we want you to know we are grateful. We could not manage the intense caseloads at APCH without the public becoming involved. Our sincere gratitude on behalf of ourselves and our wildlife. Thank you.