We’re going to need to stick together and help our most vulnerable if we are to survive the next four years.

  • @apfelwoiSchoppen
    204 months ago

    Preach! Only the wealthy can leave. The rest of us can only dream of the freedom to pick up and leave. Solidarity. ✊

    • Jo Miran
      134 months ago

      Leave? And go where?

      Europe is also on a steady march towards fascism, racism, and homophobia with a strong helping of the threat of Russian aggression. Climate change is an extreme risk worldwide. Money isn’t going to save you. Maybe if you are a billionaire you can buy comfort for the rest of your life.

      So, wealthy isn’t enough. Filthy rich is the only answer…maybe.

      • @apfelwoiSchoppen
        4 months ago

        I have no ability to leave and think it is morally repugnant to leave the indigent, and oppressed to fend for themselves. As you said, you can run away from your problems or try and fix the problems. Most assuredly though, money that should be taxed keeps those with it away from the consequences of conflict.

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      74 months ago

      It’s even hard if you have money. So many Americans think they can just pack up and move to another country. I’m about retirement age, and I can’t tell you how many people have asked if I’m going to leave the country or tell me they plan to. So far, only one had line of sight to actually doing it because his family was from Spain and he owns property there, which makes a big difference.

      For most countries there’s an application process and you have to show that you’re a bet benefit. Even at that, it’s usually a multi-year process.