As always, disclaimer that I’m not a US citizen.

You usually see quite a few people mentioning leaving the country if Trump would get elected, but how realistic are those plans?

Not to say it’s not justified with the prospect of Project 2025 (see the other thread), but seems like a huge life change that is probably not possible for most of the people.

  • TropicalDingdong
    5 months ago

    I’m one-hundred percent considering this. I spent the four years under Trump on the ground, organizing my community and resisting fascist chuds on the ground, and got mostly flack, backlash, doxxing attempts, 30 extra lbs I can’t seem to shake, and bullshit from shitlib’s who just spent the previous 6 months making the argument “but Trump worse” and cheering on the Chenys.

    There are basically two options I see for me and my family right now. We can either stand and fight or we can let this go. My lesson learned from 2016-2020, is that Democrats/ Liberals do not have your back. You can not expect to be able to rely upon them to show up or do the right thing. Democrats have spent orders of magnitude more effort fighting and trying to beat the left than they have the rightward march to fascism. So any kind of fight or resistance you try and muster; you have enemies at both your fore and aft. Liberalism and Democrats haven’t shown me that they are worth fighting for.