The democrats haven’t held a legitimate primary since 2008!

In 2008 it was a genuine competition between Obama, Hillary, and a handful of other lesser known politicians. Obama won the general in a landslide.

In 2012 Obama ran unopposed. Obama won the general.

In 2016 the democrats rigged the primary against sanders for Hillary, and to absolutely no one’s surprise who was paying attention, Hillary lost the general. Why? she didn’t genuinely win the primary. Shocking!

In 2020, refusing to learn mistakes from 2016, the democrats once again screwed over bernie and didn’t run a legitimate primary - rigged it so that all the candidates except no-path-to-win Warren exited the race to split the progressive vote away from bernie. Joe biden won by the skin of his teeth, and he would of lost if it weren’t for the country reacting to trumps handling of covid.

In 2024, once again refusing to learn the democrats didn’t even bother with a primary, ran an old demented geezer as a presidential candidate, realized that wasn’t going to work, and then anointed unelected Kamala Harris who didn’t even need to compete in a primary.

And they’re shocked they lost?! These people make way too much money to be this stupid.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Actually, the American people have done that to themselves.

    Every American eligible to vote had access to all the info about both candidates. And the majority of voters chose to vote for Trump.
    More than 70% of eligible voters chose not to vote against Trump.

    There’s no reason to believe the election was rigged.

    Americans, you’ve made your bed. Now lie in it.

    I just hope that my country’s government will finally find their backbone and realize we can’t rely on or trust yours any longer, and draw the necessary consequences.

    • @inv3r510nOP
      4 months ago

      The candidate selection process on the democrat side is rigged, which is why voters voted wrong in the eyes of liberals.

      Democrats are just as responsible for making the bed we’re all forced to sleep in. Running a god awful candidate that didn’t even go through a primary process and then being shocked at the loss is key out to brunch idiocy.

      Also if your whole government stops relying on us (for weapons, obviously, that’s our only export) maybe our taxes will go to universal healthcare instead of being the worlds policeman.

    • Makhno
      -34 months ago

      Wow super sharp edge you got there. Does your mother know you’re online?