The only upside that I can see is that Canadians will have a year to see what a trump style government can do to a country… Also a trump style government is the same as a poilievre government.

  • @[email protected]
    154 months ago

    Trump is going to put a 10% tarrif on Canadian goods. Conservatives and Liberals will likely push Trudeau to respond in kind, upping prices, all but guaranteeing a PP win because most of the people angry voting for the right now are not politically engaged.

    The politically uninformed have no comprehension of cause and effect. They look up and shits expensive one day and they look at the people up at the top of various tiers of politics and blame them, or they get told they are at fault by the opposition, and even though that opposition passed the legislation when they were in power and a delayed effect is being seen, the uninformed voter takes that at face value and doesn’t question it. They are uninformed and they like it that way. So they are a tool that can always be weaponised.

    Nothing will stop PP coming in short of a miracle because those voters will not get informed by the next election.

    To add on to that, provincial and country leaders have little direct control of prices today. Any oversight or controls have been severely hampered. They can make them worse, but any policy that may make them better will have a long lead time to take effect and will be unlikely to affect the global reality unless passed by someone like the US that has enough buying power to affect markets.

    Neither Trudeau or Poliviere can solve the cost of living problem because Canada is too small a fish in a now global sea.

    • @fourish
      94 months ago

      My vote is going NDP.

      If you can’t vote liberal and find the cons as disgusting as I do, NDP is the last man standing (and I think they’re pretty good anyway so…)

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        I’ll be voting ABC, as usual. Whoever else can show me a candidate that can beat the local Con candidate will get my vote.

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        Been voting NDP for 12 years. I also donate what I can. I made one strategic vote in the first Trudeau election to make sure Harper was out. That’s it.

    • @FireRetardant
      44 months ago

      One thing that could help would be the liberals pushing forward a new leader. People are fed up with Justin regardless if it is justified. The liberal party will lose voters to the right if they don’t push forward a new face that Canadians are willing to give a fresh shot. If the liberals fail to provide new leadership to their party, they are partially at fault for a conservative win, they refuse to listen to their voter base.

      • @[email protected]
        44 months ago

        True, though I would much rather see an NDP gov for once. The liberals make tons of progressive promises and then never deliver. The NDP strong armed them into the dental care plan else it likely would have never gone through.

        Trudeau also seems to think he’s not the problem with the party… Or something. He recently said he has no plans on stepping down (or something to that effect) so I have doubts we’ll see him step down.

        The same could be said for NDP. I like Signh but he has failed to woo the electorate for multiple federal elections. Time to try something different. Why not try a woman? Show you are actually progressive as a party and maybe we’ll see hardcore Liberal voters put their vote behind the NDP.

        • @FireRetardant
          64 months ago

          It almost feels like they want us to keep flipping sides every few years and never make any progress. It just feels so stagnant and every time we make progress like bike lanes, someone else reverses all that work and spends even more money.