Because you now did it to yourself.

  • @HRDS_654
    4 months ago

    Aight, I am going to say that I misused left when I mean liberal in some places so I have edited it.

    They haven’t done that… Yet. As FD Signifier said, “you can’t out-right the right”. Democrats screwed themselves in many ways this election such as letting Biden hang onto his candidacy when he was unpopular and not communicating their plans to the public as much as they should have, and because of how fresh it is everyone is looking for someone, or some group, to blame. At the risk of defending Harris, which I’m not because I didn’t like a lot of what she said, she really only had 100 days to actually put together a campaign. Trump has been campaigning since he left office.The truth is that this has been a long time coming and the American failure to recognize that is was ACTUALLY led to this. Well, that and the fact that Harris was a black woman. Racism and misogyny hard carried this election term in addition to the unpopular policies Harris proposed. As unpopular as those policies were though, the number don’t show that the policies are what lost her the election.

    I also blame this on left leaning influencers AND news sites because they spent more time making fun of Trump than actually saying anything to convince the right to vote for Harris. Again, I’m not even saying that I agreed with Harris, but she would have been better for a LOT of minority people than we know Trump is. Laughing at Trump working a closed down McDonald’s is one thing, but they didn’t do much else. This is the reason I’m kind of done with the online liberals in general. They spend so much time making fun of people that they don’t realize we need people on the left to be in positions of power before things can change in a meaningful way. And they need to actually EDUCATE people. Not just tell them “how it is”, but tell them WHY it is. The liberal media got cocky and so they contributed to Trump winning. They never brought up that he was a felon, a rapist, or attempted a coup. Nothing.

    • bufalo1973
      64 months ago

      Only 100 days? In Europe 100 days is more than the time between they call for elections and the elections are done. Even if they are before the end of the term.

    • @[email protected]
      04 months ago

      The dems lost this election when unpopular senile Biden insisted on running again and no powerful Democrat stopped him