I want people to remember this one because we’ve heard this rhetoric over and over. That if people only didn’t vote for 3rd parties everything would be better.

Well that happened. And Democrats still shit the bed.

What’s the solution? Can Democrats even be salvaged at this point? No clue. But I want the record to be clear for the next election when they bring this excuse out again.

Either Democrats actually become leftists or we get a party that will.

  • @givesomefucks
    22 months ago

    Because the Republican won, the DNC leadership will vote on the next DNC leadership and it is incredibly unlikely they change the people let alone the path.

    With all the shady shit they’ve been doing, I just can’t see them doing what’s right

    The good news is now is the time to work to change it.

    After Hillary lost so badly in 2016 no one wanted to be left holding the bag and that’s the only way we found out about all the shady in 2016 primary.

    If we’re lucky they didn’t learn the lesson from that either and another progressive can sneak in.