• @njm1314
    34 months ago

    Well far be it for me to say you’re wrong, but maybe uncertainty isn’t the best way to sell yourself as a candidate then. Maybe leaving breadcrumbs that lead to doubt but not actually saying things out right doesn’t engender confidence. Who knows? Except we kind of do cuz she just got her ass kicked.

    • HubertManne
      14 months ago

      I mean if uncertainty was the measure her opponent is way more uncertain. Cherry picking one thing and saying it was what caused everything is not something im going to believe. I mean look. Its pretty obvious from the result that I am by no way an example of the typical american voter. All I know is I do the best I can for myself, and my family, and my community, and my nation, and my planet. I voted for the better option and will in future in the hopes of getting the better option. I have been fine reaping with what I sow but not so happy to reap what others have sown but I dunno maybe they don’t like the flavor of what I sow.