• qyron
    112 months ago

    One thing I had to learn quickly was that my preference towards anything cultural was not in line with what my peers found good/cool, so I strode down the road of enjoying what I enjoy and let others enjoy whatever they enjoy.

    Here’s a short list:


    The 13th Warrior

    Both Ewoks movies

      • qyron
        22 months ago

        Open up your heart and let the Patrick Swayze Christmas in

        My tastes may be questionable but that is too much even for me.

        I remember seeing the first one in the theater when I was a kid and I later saw a letter my Mom was writing where she said it was a dumb movie, but the kids liked it. I was offended!

        The movies can be considered bad, for today’s standards but for what I care, it was a great way to spend some time. Where else could we se cannibal Care Bears?

        • @samus12345
          12 months ago

          Oh yeah, she was right, it was a dumb movie. But a good kid’s movie!

    • @Crashumbc
      12 months ago

      Roadhouse is a classic! I don’t think it counts here.

      I very much liked 13th warrior, just watched it again last week! It’s on YouTube free with ads right now

      • qyron
        12 months ago

        It may be considered as such today but it panned as not worthy of the time for many years.

        The 13th Warrior was another of those movies that got thrown into the grinder by critics and cinephiles for being not worth the effort just to develop a cult following in response.

        Which remebers me of another panned movie: Pathfinder

        And while we’re at it, let’s add both Dredd movies (the second is the best) and the Demolition Man.