I want people to remember this one because we’ve heard this rhetoric over and over. That if people only didn’t vote for 3rd parties everything would be better.

Well that happened. And Democrats still shit the bed.

What’s the solution? Can Democrats even be salvaged at this point? No clue. But I want the record to be clear for the next election when they bring this excuse out again.

Either Democrats actually become leftists or we get a party that will.

  • @palebluethought
    2 months ago

    I want people to remember this one because we’ve heard this rhetoric over and over. That if people only didn’t vote for 3rd parties everything would be better.

    Huh? People don’t say this. Why would they – people don’t vote for third parties. What they say is if people did try to shift toward third parties in any numbers then odds get worse. Which is pretty much true by definition, in first past the post.