• @[email protected]
    1324 months ago

    I’m glad she gets to leave. Obviously this is a good thing for her safety. It upsets me though, because she would have been one of the best individuals to stand up and help. Some of us don’t have the ability to run. If we don’t stand together, we fall separately.

    • @inclementimmigrant
      1194 months ago

      Why does she have to be the one to bravely stand up when 15 million people, Democrats, progressives, independents, didn’t even bother to stand up next to her putting her in this situation?

      Nah, the American people showed her what’s kind of allies they would be and she’s doesn’t owe the moderates MLK wrote about to stand up with a target in her back when they won’t have her back to begin with.

      • @Crackhappy
        434 months ago

        The American people loudly stood up and shouted "I am ok with bigotry, fascism, and also fuck you ". I don’t blame her for running.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        I didn’t say she had to. I said she would have been one of the best individuals to do so. She has the unique position to push back at the transphobic rhetoric that is being spewed by those in power. One of which is her bio parent. She of all the fellow trans persons could have been a great face for a movement.

        By your argument I should just go ahead and let them drag me in the street and shoot me in the head because, and I quote, “15 million people, Democrats, progressives, independents, didn’t even bother to stand up…”

        Those that can stand up to tyranny but choose not to, are burdened to shoulder the blame of the tyranny.

        • @inclementimmigrant
          34 months ago

          Well fuck, didn’t realize that Anne Frank was to blame for the rise of Nazi Germany.

          And no my argument is that for you to let them kill you, I mean for cripes sake talk about lack of reading comprehension, my argument simply was she’s god damned allowed to feel hurt as shit, she’s allowed to feel scared as shit, especially with a father advocating for her removal like you said, being dragged into the street and shot like an animal.

          I’m arguing it’s unfair for anyone to say she’s a coward for not being at the front lines, putting herself in harms way when she just doing out that this country isn’t better than we thought it was who she thought were her allies in this abandoned her when the fight was critical.

          You don’t get to accuse the person being beaten by a Nazi of being complicit when they don’t punch back. You blame those around her waving signs in support of her cause and then shuffling back home when the beatings happened, they’re the ones that shoulder the blame for tyranny, not her.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            You put words in my mouth. Not once did I say she was a coward. Not once did I say she was not allowed to feel hurt or scared. You speak to me about reading comprehension yet skew my words to hear only chaste.

            I do get to look down on those with power that flee while those without power must stay and fight.

            Your Anne Frank comment is just wrong. She’s not Anne Frank the rest of us in the trans community that can’t leave are. She’s the rich daughter of a Nazi that got to escape.

            • @inclementimmigrant
              -24 months ago

              You’re right that you never said she was a coward so apologies there, let me rephrase, it’s unfair for anyone expecting her to stand up.

              Either way, we are at an impasse with our opinion on her actions so I’ll just leave it at that and wish you a good day, good luck, and fuck those who seek to eradicate because of their bigotry.

    • @rockSlayer
      224 months ago

      There are still ways to fight from the outside. We’ll need support from everywhere, both in and out of the country. I don’t think her moving means the end of her fight.

    • @AnUnusualRelic
      184 months ago

      She can still do it, from a safe distance.