Actual quote (video included in link):

“I dare you to try to continue your lawfare against President Trump in his second term,” he threatened. “Because listen here, sweetheart: We’re not messing around this time, and we will put your fat a-- in prison for conspiracy against rights, and I promise you that.”

Welcome to the new regime.

  • @inclementimmigrant
    54 months ago

    Really, you really think it was all men who didn’t vote for Harris? Reminder that 53% of white women voted for MAGA here.

    I’m willing to bet money there were millions of women who also didn’t vote for Harris due to economic anxiety.

    • @SquatDingloid
      24 months ago

      You’re allowed to go look at the demographics who voted in 2020 who didn’t vote this time

      It was older white men, Millennials, genx and boomers

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      I’m willing to bet there’s millions of women who didn’t vote/voted for the male candidate in part due to internalized misogyny.