• @[email protected]
      132 months ago

      The Democratic National Committee needs to get the fuck out of the way. Democratic leadership needs to get the fuck out of the way. The Democratic electorate needs to throw them the fuck out, and start making a shopping list.

      • Universal Health Care. True universal healthcare; none of this ACA bullshit.

      • Securities tax. Own more than $10 million in stocks and bonds, we’re taking 1% of those shares every year, and slowly liquidating them at auction. Auctioned shares will comprise no more than 1% of total traded volume. You don’t get to just sit on those assets any more. You have to put them to work, where they will generate taxable income, or they will be taken from you.

      If any member of the second estate has a problem with universal healthcare or a wealth tax, 18th century France came up with the solution.

      • @Eldritch
        52 months ago

        If they’re holding us back, why do we need them. How are they in our way? Why don’t we just take the party from them or make our own with blackjack, hookers, and abortion if it’s so easy to win?

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          First off, Some mod is reading “Guillotine Party” and thinking I’m advocating violence. I’m not. I’m advocating a French Revolution, where the third estate takes their nation back from the oligarchs of the second estate.

          Just as the modern Tea Party adopted historical symbolism to identify and rally people to their cause of action, we should use the most visible symbol of the French Revolution to focus our own efforts against wealth disparity: the guillotine.

          Why don’t we just take the party from them or make our own with blackjack, hookers, and abortion

          That is exactly what the Tea Party did to the GOP, and that is exactly what we need to be doing to the Democratic Party. We need to destroy billionaires, not by removing their heads, but by removing their billions. Every cent they aren’t spending is a loss of income to a worker, and a loss of income tax to the government. We are all paying a higher portion of our earnings to give them the privilege of extracting wealth from the economy.

          • @Eldritch
            02 months ago

            First off, Some mod is reading “Guillotine Party” and thinking I’m advocating violence. I’m not. I’m advocating a French Revolution, where the third estate takes their nation back from the oligarchs of the second estate.


            Is, is this satire? I can’t even tell anymore.

            Now, not that I disagree with what I think you’re saying over all. But… How did the French do that, and maybe that association could give someone reasonable suspicion.

            We need to rebuild the solidarity of labor. As well as educating many that they are also part of labor. Talk about taxing the 1%, some Brain Trust somewhere will think your targeting him. Hell they’ll do that even if you talk about taxing the 0.1%. IT workers are some of the worst. It’s like brother they won’t let you do the same job from home. They’re demanding that you be there so they can stand and look over your shoulder and justify office space. On call 24/7 with no dedicated off time. Have to keep limping along with completely inadequate resources. While CEOs and other c-suite officers take home pay raises. F****** unionize Brothers.

            But yeah the French Revolution was very violent. And the guillotine is a singular symbol of that violence.

            • @[email protected]
              12 months ago

              The French had no other means of achieving their objectives in 1789. They didn’t have a democracy. They didn’t have the ability to eliminate their “billionaires” by taking their billions. They could only get rid of their “billionaires” by taking their heads.

              Unlike the French Revolutionaries, we have the framework of a functioning democracy already established. It’s currently broken and non-functional, but it exists.

              We don’t need the guillotine, but we do need the mindset, the attitude, the commitment that the revolutionaries had when they decided to use the only tool they had available to them.