An actual quote I saw today posted on Twitter: “Florida is a conservative Christian state, and they voted against murdering unborn babies. The democratic process is complete. They can leave if they want to do that.” There’s a lot to unpack there. I also got into an argument with the guy who posted it, who claimed somehow that it’s not ok for Federal government to regulate Women, but if states wants to do it then it’s ok, and they should just leave to another state then. like… wow. America is a strange place

  • RubberDuck
    684 months ago

    Any sane person needs to GTFO out of Florida anyway. The weather is only going to get more extreme and so are the christo fascists.

    • Electric
      84 months ago

      I’m just trying to finish my degree to leave. It’s a shame Miami is so unique because I can’t find any place with such diversity. Only comparable alternative I could find in the US was NYC.

      • rustydomino
        114 months ago

        Come to California. We have the best tacos and xlb.

        • Electric
          54 months ago

          I’ve thought about it but while it is more free, the city layout looks worse. At least the public transportation is serviceable here.

          • @[email protected]
            34 months ago

            We’re working on it, for the Olympics. Putting capitalism to work for transport reform.