I flew for the first time on a plane last week and I’ve seen planes take off at the airport. It looks crazy. But being on one is totally different like holy shit. The thing just FLIES. It just… Soars… Through the sky! Like whoa man. Wtf… It’s crazy. With how much these things weigh, it’s insane to me the thing can just go up and bam, there we are, we’re flying now. Like wow… Dude crazy.

  • @FinishingDutch
    93 months ago

    It’s magical, right? It’s what got me interested in aviation - the physics, the science, the engineering to make it work. And we’ve gotten so good at it, air travel is now available to most people, it’s safe and convenient.

    I’ve flown exactly three times in my life: a hot air balloon, a helicopter and a DC3. Each was magical in its own way. I’ve also done a fair bit of plane spotting. Seeing an Airbus A380 landing right in front of you is amazing. It really is the size of a large apartment block with wings. Truly awe inspiring.

    Aviation is fucking awesome!

    • @Dozzi92
      43 months ago

      You’ve flown or you’ve flown in? Presumable the former, but I know people from where I’m from use flown to mean flown in. If you’ve only been airborne three times, and all in separate crafts, that’s something special in and of itself.

      • @FinishingDutch
        33 months ago

        Flown in, as a passenger. I’d have said ‘piloted’ if I was the pilot.

        And yes, that’s an odd trio of aircraft, considering most people only really fly on airliners. I’ve been on a Boeing 747 in a museum, but have never flown in an airliner.

    • @MutilationWave
      13 months ago

      I’ve only been in a helicopter once, but that was the coolest. Parasailing being pulled by a boat was also very fun.

      • @FinishingDutch
        23 months ago

        I really enjoyed my helicopter ride as well - a sightseeing flight on vacation. That was on a Schweitzer S300; a small helicopter with a bench seat in the front. So you’re sitting right next to the pilot with an almost unobstructed forward vision. So cool. Definitely not something for people with a fear of heights.