• @Maggoty
    4 months ago

    Sure, great, but the military isn’t about to hand waive anything. They will send the MPs to arrest soldiers for desertion. They will process people out of the military for following illegal orders.

    They aren’t robots and they have decades of experience in slow walking stuff, malicious compliance, and straight up refusing illegal orders. There isn’t just one officer to fire either. It would take them years to build a military willing to be used against the American people.

    They can have a DOJ task force up and running in a month. They can be recruiting veterans in 2 months. They can use the surplus system to transfer armored vehicles to the DOJ in about 6 months if someone is dragging their heels. And the military is actually in the middle of getting shiny new armored vehicles so seeing M113 APCs showing up on the surplus list isn’t even going to raise eyebrows.

    I sincerely hope they smash their heads against the military for another 4 years. But by the end of his last term they figured out they could use a DOJ task force to beat up and abduct protestors. Just adding surplus military equipment and Trump cultists to that isn’t going to be hard to figure out. Stop trying to put the military in a hole it’s not going to easily fit into and start looking at what’s actually likely.

    • @horse_battery_staple
      4 months ago

      You’re absolutely correct.

      Rank and file grunts may be gargling nazi balls, but the officer pool are often college educated and will not hand over America to a dictatorship. It’ll take a decade just to fire all the officers who won’t follow his illegal orders. Another decade to reform into a stazi.

      The secret police will be local police forces organized under a Fed Dept probably Homeland or ICE.

    • @[email protected]
      24 months ago

      You’ve heard of Vietnam right? Why are you putting so much faith in the US military acting like they have any sort of mortality?

      • @[email protected]
        64 months ago

        The military was almost completely reworked between Vietnam and Desert Storm. They were getting tired of having to deal with the paper work for fragging, accidental friendly fire, and junior officers getting the shit beat out of them. Also a lot of the reforms had to do with ethics and rules of engagement, Vietnam was a fucken PR nightmare and the military did not want to deal with that shit ever again.

      • LustyArgonian
        04 months ago

        That’s his training. The military mentally conditions these men to respond to stuff like this in this way: absolute, unyielding, expected. He is not going to be able to conceive of a different way because his training was that thorough. That’s probably a good thing. My dad was in the military also and when you ask him about military stuff, his personality goes into soldier mode like this too.

        However I will say, having met modern young men who are soldiers - idk that they got the same training at all.

        • @Maggoty
          74 months ago

          I’m not the other poster. But we already have examples of the military standing up to Trump during his previous term. We know he’s going to have to wade into the leadership pool to find sympathetic leaders.