The glass back is NOT very resilient. it slipped from my pocket in my pants, while sitting on the terrace, a ca. 40-50cm drop, and the glass back cracked.
This is the ONLY time I dropped it, so it’s not like one time too many.

I’m never buying a glass back phone ever again.
Glass is not premium, it’s a design flaw.

  • SpiritsongM
    24 months ago

    OOOF. That is rough. I agree, I don’t like the glass back. The blue one which had that ‘fake vegan leather’ does feel good, but I didn’t like the blue colour. But I think I will still prefer that OVER the glass back. As a matter of fact, come to think of it, my phone lives inside a case, and I almost never pop it out of the case.

    • @BuffaloxOP
      14 months ago

      In hindsight I should have chosen the Vegan Leather, it may look worn after a year, but at least the water resistance would be mostly intact.
      But another thing is, it probably wouldn’t even have slipped out of my pocket, the glass was simply too slippery, which is why it dropped out.
      Now I have the sleeve on that came with the phone, and it clearly is much more safe in my pocket, because it’s not nearly as slippery.

      • SpiritsongM
        24 months ago

        The sleeve that came with the phone… Urgh. I’m grateful that there is one, but it is kind of flimsy in a way. And yeah, I would also take the vegan leather in hindsight :/

    • @BuffaloxOP
      14 months ago

      I have used my phones without a cover since I got the LG G2 about 10 years ago. And for all those years it has been without incident. Although It has happened (rarely) that the phone slipped out of my pocket when getting out of the car. App the same drop height, and it was a non issue.