I noticed that I tend to think something along the lines of

Everything will be okay. And even if it’s not, that’s okay too. You’ll get though this my love

The love bit was something I’ve been trying intentionally to instill. I’ve heard that positive self-talk can improve well being.

What do you think or say to yourself during those harder times?

  • @JoeKrogan
    12 years ago

    Sometimes I remind myself that “We are just on a ball of rock floating through space and none of this matters”. Not in a negative sense but more for perspective.

    Other times I focus on what I’m greatful for. To be alive , the people in my life, my senses and abilities etc. The things we take for granted.

    Another thing I find that helps is ask yourself can you do anything about it… If you can then do it , if not then there is nothing you can do so no point in worrying. Whatever happens is going to happen.

    Anyway hang in there OP. Stay positive 👏