This was an ornament I printed roughly 6 years ago. Being a Christmas ornament it spent most of those 6 years stored in my roof space.

Being in Australia this would have been subject to average temperatures of 30 to 35 degrees c but also peaks across summer approaching 70 degrees c. Also in high humidity.

The PLA crumbles into tiny pieces at the softest touch.

I thought it was interesting that PLA would start to break down in these conditions.

  • CaptainBlagbird
    212 months ago

    average temperatures of 30 to 35 degrees c but also peaks across summer approaching 70 degrees c. Also in high humidity.

    Oh Australia… 🫠

    • @[email protected]
      122 months ago

      You’d get those kinds of attic temps in many places in the US.

      Attics are no place to store stuff, keeping them under 140f in the summer is a challenge