• @Jiggle_Physics
    234 months ago

    conservative leadership want women to be popping out babies as fast as they can, without regards to their own well being. That is all the top cares about. The global population growth is slowing, many places, and demographics, have either plateaued, or are in decline. This is bad news for capitalism. Like it is fundamental that both the cheap labor underclass, and the consumer class, continue to expand.

    While there is anti-sexual free expression talk in the movement, once you get into the inter-personal level, especially of the followers, they only want that freedom to be the choice of men. They want to fuck as many women as possible, they want women to fuck them at their demand, no matter the relationship status, without any plans to continue with that woman in the future. They want to both hit up tinder, or the bar, or whatever, see a woman, go up to them, and get casual sex from them, without being turned down, and the barefoot, and pregnant, home maker, wife, in the house.

    The bottom line is, they want women to be anything they want, when they want, without resistance. They want to OWN them, own them all. They yearn for the years of a “surplus population”, withering in work houses, and the ability to own other people, for labor, for sex, for anything they want. If something they do does not violate the ethics of “I can, and will, exercise power, over others”, then they don’t see it as hypocrisy. Whatever morals, or ethics, they claim, mean nothing, unless their proclamations means to gain, and exercise, power over others.

    • @[email protected]
      94 months ago


      They want people to be “cheap”.

      Hard to have value when there is plenty to go around and you can just take what you want for free.

    • @TotalSonic
      84 months ago

      Except within the USA, declining population growth could be reversed immediately simply by returning to our pre-1924 immigration laws (i.e. the Ellis Island era) that between 1890 - 1924 allowed the USA to have some of the largest economic growth it ever has done. Yet “conservatives” (better termed “regressives” or “reactionaries”) these days want to do the exact opposite, out of xenophobia.

      • @Jiggle_Physics
        14 months ago

        That solves the US, for a while. The population growth is slowing globally. When Immigrants arrive in countries who’s majority populations are in, or nearing, decline, their family size adjusts to the local average in a couple generations. Bottom line is that they need people to start making more babies, everywhere. Those at the top do not give a shit about expelling immigrants for real. Industrialists don’t care where their cheap labor comes from. However, they have entered a marriage with a highly xenophobic voter base to stay on top.