• @captainlezbian
      24 months ago

      Yeah. I think that’s one of the points of the anti porn people that I don’t necessarily disagree with the point they’re making I just think they’re overly focused on the thing they see as sinful and ignoring that a) there’s porn where the bodies look real, b) porn isn’t the only culprit here, movies, tv, social media, advertisements, etc all depict similarly unrealistic depictions of bodies and it’s in that landscape where a vast majority of entertainment contains such unrealistic depictions that this is able to happen, and c) that’s still not a sufficient argument to ban a form of expression, if it was there’d be a lot more in need of banning see point b

      I think point b is really the crux here. It doesn’t matter whether your unrealistic depiction of sexual partners is movie stars, porn stars, anime, or what sitcoms depict the average family as; if you aren’t engaging in real life with real people you’re going to get unrealistic expectations.

      And I don’t really have a solution that doesn’t involve pressuring people to touch grass. Like that’s clearly what they need, but especially for incels they’re going to be rejected by communities when they try because they’re behaving terribly and sometimes hurting people in the process.