I hate people who wear cold weather gear in warm/heated places

  • @weeeeum
    44 months ago

    Glad to hear that workers like me have an exception. Always feel a little insecure about my dirty nails (I’m a woodworker and the grit from sharpening gets onln my nails and hands).

    Also hate super strong perfume. Sometimes there are old ladies, who I assume have little sense of smell left, utterly dowsing themselves in perfume. As soon as they open the door the smell hits you like a brick. Honestly I dont know if I hate the smell of BO or chemically perfume more. One grosses me out and the other makes me winse. Sometimes its so strong my sinuses and nostrils burn.

    • @BonesOfTheMoon
      14 months ago

      I just mean people who are lazy about cutting their nails, it’s obvious when it’s someone working with their hands like you. Usually it’s gross old men with untrimmed hair and beards and these nasty ass fingernails and you know they’ve been on a bullshit disability claim since they were 50 and do nothing but watch TV.

      • @[email protected]
        24 months ago

        I grow my nails to play guitar and I’ve gotten flack for it, but my old lady doesn’t care and it’s nobody else’s business. I try to keep clean but the factory can be a punishment on one’s shiny cuticles

      • @leauxhigh
        14 months ago

        it took my family member 5 years to get disability after a near fatal crushing accident. I have no idea how they’d fake anything and get on disability, maybe you can tell me the secret of getting it sooner? BTW, You can’t tell if someone’s disabled by looking at them.