• @FinishingDutch
    434 months ago

    ‘Serving sizes’ are absolute nonsense. They are always wildly out of step with reality. Only reason they put it on there is so manufacturers can claim “our product isn’t bad, it only contains X calories per serving”.

    Meanwhile, they put serving sizes fit for ants on packages that clearly aren’t meant to be shared and don’t reflect reasonable consumption. For example, a serving size of three jelly beans is silly by any stretch of the imagination. So is putting ‘serving sizes’ on a soda can. And a sleeve of Oreos? One cookie is a serving. Yeah, we all know that’s not how you eat Oreos…

    • @edgemaster72
      184 months ago

      I work in a sandwich place that sells fairly large chocolate chip cookies. The bags we put them in are labeled as containing 4 servings. Buncha nonsense.

      • @RebekahWSD
        94 months ago

        Absolutely insane. Sure, large cookie, but I’ve never seen anyone go “okay I will slice up this cookie and eat only a fourth” also that’s how your make a cookie go stale faster! These manufacturers are cruel.

        • Apathy Tree
          84 months ago

          but I’ve never seen anyone go “okay I will slice up this cookie and eat only a fourth”

          I have, but only with thc edibles…

          • @RebekahWSD
            34 months ago

            Okay, yes, that’s fair. My sibling cuts their gummies into fourths even.

            But a completely unadultered cookie?? Jam that entire thing into my mouth!

            • Apathy Tree
              34 months ago

              Hell yeah, my highschool used to have super soft undercooked cookies the size of a plate. They came on a paper plate wrapped in plastic (made in house).

              They didn’t bother trying to pretend that was more than one serving. Nobody did :)

    • Flying Squid
      64 months ago

      A can of soup is often divided into two serving sizes.

      Who eats half a can of soup?

      • Lord Wiggle
        -54 months ago

        Who eats canned soup in the first place. Fresh ingredients is cheaper, healthier and tastier.

        • TheRealKuni
          54 months ago

          I have no idea how to make clam chowder for cheaper than a can of clam chowder.

          • Lord Wiggle
            24 months ago

            Ah. I don’t eat meat. I think that’s why my soups are so cheap to make. I mostly use beans to replace meat and beans are really cheap.

            • TheRealKuni
              24 months ago

              Makes sense. I also almost never want to waste time cutting veggies and stirring in pasta and whatnot when I want soup. Personally I almost exclusively eat soup when I’m not feeling well. 😅

              • Lord Wiggle
                24 months ago

                A bag of pre-cut veggies, pre-peeled potatoes, add some beans, bake 5min with some herbs and throw in a blender with some water. Throw the blended stuff in a pan, boil with some cream and add some pasta. Super tasty soup is ready in 10 to 12 min. Enough soup for 4 days. But I don’t mind cutting some veggies, they only need some rough cutting as they go into the blender anyway. Just use easy to cut veggies. Broccoli or cauliflower for example, or courgettes like I used yesterday. Soup for 4 to 5 days costs roughly 5 to 7 euros. Add a euro for home made bread made with a bread baking machine and you have a proper meal. Just throw some baking mix and water in it and 3h later you have fresh warm bread. Honestly, making your own soup in 12min for 4 days is roughly 6min more effort then canned soup. No added sugar, conservatives and too much salt. Much better taste. Especially when you add some blue cheese.

                • TheRealKuni
                  34 months ago

                  Climb out of blanket cocoon. Pry open can. Empty into bowl. Fill can with water. Empty into bowl. Put in microwave for three minutes. Stir. Microwave for two minutes. Go back to huddling under blankets.

                  (Like I said, I mostly eat soup when I’m sick. Don’t care much about taste or quantity in that case.)

                  You’re not wrong in any way though.

                  • Lord Wiggle
                    4 months ago

                    I don’t even have a microwave. I understand the concept, however I prefer home made meals. I hate cooking, so I usually cook 3 or 4 nights in a row, cooking large meals which are 4 to 5 large portions. This way I have enough food in my freezer for 2 to 3 weeks, consisting of 3 to 4 different kinds of food so not every day the same. I always have something I can warm up when I’m ill or feel down. It’s basically the same as canned soup or instant meal, but home made so much tastier and healthier.

        • Flying Squid
          24 months ago

          People with severe smell sensitivity who can’t cook because of it.

          Which would be me.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Just depends, I never crave canned soup, but if I’m at the grocery store and realize I didn’t plan anything for lunch at work, I’ll grab a some. Easy & incredibly cheap.

          • Lord Wiggle
            14 months ago

            Here in The Netherlands the pre-made meals are getting worse and worse. Due to the price wars by the grocery stores (maaaaany stores per capita) the producers won’t get much money for their product, so they are cutting corners. It’s an inflation thing. Either things get more expensive, packaging gets smaller for the same price or they take out pricy ingredients. Over here canned soup isn’t cheap, it lacks nutrition and a 2 portion can isn’t enough to fill 1 person’s stomach.

            • @[email protected]
              24 months ago

              I’d say cheap is the only thing going for it over here, nutrition is questionable, so much sodium. Portion, well I’m not a small person, but the Campbell’s soup cans will fill me up if I’m not starving. But that’s a big can.

              • Lord Wiggle
                14 months ago

                Often they add sugar too, as a preservative. Sugar in your soup. Noo thank youuu

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          A good broth can take a long time to develop if you’re trying to do it well. And sometimes I’m sick and it’s all I can keep down.

    • Sippy Cup
      54 months ago

      Oreos are 3 cookies to a serving.

      Frequently servings are fairly close to 1 ounce. Oreos are a little over an ounce for 3 cookies at 34 grams.

      This isn’t necessarily a serving suggestion. They’d actually very much like it if you ate an entire sleeve in a sitting, 3 times a day.

      It’s only there so you can calculate with excruciating detail exactly how many grams of sugar you just swallowed when you stuffed the middle of 4 cookies together.

    • @mojofrododojo
      24 months ago

      I knew a guy in the army who would eat a gigantic bowl of oreos (usually 2/3rds of a regular package) and watch saturday morning cartoons. he said it helped him pass MREs.

      • @LavenderDay3544
        14 months ago

        It certainly didn’t help him pass fitness standards lol.

        • @mojofrododojo
          14 months ago

          dude was yoked. I just don’t understand how you tolerate the output.