Hey there!

I’m doing a custom code which give “relationship” points to a characterA respect to characterB, so they can deepen their relationship and unlock events.

Righ now i’m calculating and storing the relation states on thread’s custom data but i’d like to send this information to AI so it adapts the narrative around these relation changes between characters.

Options that i have considered:

  • Send a full report via push as system and hidden from user, but im not confident that itll work as i expect
  • Write on character/thread reminder or role, but as stated in UI, there is a recommended length for both fields and in doing this for 7 characters + user, each one with relationship states for the others, ofc ill surpass the limit
  • Push a message with /lore command and full report, but lore is no chronological so its likely that ill confuse the ai

The ideal solution would be edit (instead of push) thread’s lore in the same manner that the custom code to edit reminder/goal, but i think is not possible right not.

Im quite new so i might be wrong or not seeing other valid solutions. Someone could give me a hint or possible solution for this?

Thanks in advance!

  • @GrumblePuss
    3 months ago

    Your idea to write to the reminder of a character seems viable. Perhaps just a collection of keywords in the reminder? Then, each character bio could contain a description + context on what those keywords mean?

    Another option could be something similar to the Strict Game Master that uses code to track things like inventory and skills.

    Yet another could be leveraging /mem. That is in chronological order (I think) so maybe you can add entries there?

    • @AumetraOP
      23 months ago

      After looking at your suggestions, maybe i’ll stick with the reminder/summary option for the moment, if i maintain the actual scope it should be manageable (sadly, /mem can’t be used to insert sentences like /lore)🤔

      Meanwhile i’ll investigate the Strict Game Master (i didn’t saw it lol) as it’s code look very promising for what i need, specially the inference part as i will use to calculate the relation points <3

      Thanks you!