Currently got all-day sunsetty warm lighting, endlessly-looped tropical bass music, and bottomless premium coconut milk on-tap.

  • @asbestos
    14 months ago

    Haha thanks for asking, it’s about half-fun half-stressed-out, I’m making a 40A 10 channel CCT LED controller on a perfboard with a bunch of temperature sensors, presence sensors, fan controllers and other stuff. The first one sucked ass because of EMI from high frequency switching on the FETs so hopefully I’ll figure something out this time… Thinking about doing a split design, with everything power related completely distanced from all the low power stuff as I’m not super knowledgeable.

    • @frunch
      24 months ago

      Sounds cool!! Good luck with the project! EMI is one of those things I’d never even consider until i got way into a project like that, then have to reverse course and try a new approach with that in consideration. Gotta learn somehow though, lol!