
President Joe Biden’s economic achievements—lowering inflation, reducing gas prices, creating jobs, and boosting manufacturing—are largely unrecognized by the public, despite his successes.

His tenure saw landmark legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act, CHIPS Act, and major infrastructure investments.

However, Biden’s approval ratings remain low, attributed to inflation backlash, weak communication, and a media landscape prone to misinformation.

Democrats face a “propaganda problem” rather than a policy failure, with many voters likely to credit incoming President Trump for Biden’s accomplishments due to partisan messaging and social media dynamics.

  • @[email protected]
    4 months ago

    Hello moral and intellectual coward. You’ve just downvoted this comment without replying. I’m sorry you’re upset.

    But it wasn’t me that manipulated the covid map by changing what it measured from “People getting infected” to “how many hospital beds are available” in order turn it blue. And neither was it Trump. It was Biden.

    And it wasn’t me that took a meeting with the CEO of Delta Airlines and changed the quarantine period from what scientists said was nesssesary (14 days) to what monopoly capitalists said (5 days). And neither was it Trump. It was Biden.

    I wasn’t the one who gutted unemployment insurance. I wasn’t the one who manufactured consent for the end of masking. I wasn’t the one who ended the state of emergency. And neither was it Trump. It was Biden.

    Stop taking your anger out on me.

    • @Formesse
      74 months ago

      At risk of being downvoted into oblivion: People are hyper polarized and unable to have nuanced discussions as a broad generalization any longer. And that, is the core of the problem.

      But where does it stem from? Misdirection - it might not seem relevant, but, I assure you: It is. We have to talk - as a recent video reminded me, and taught me something very important, Beoing. And maybe Intel - but mostly Boeing.

      Back in the Early 60’s - Boeing was Successful, very successful, it was THE MOST SUCCESSFUL airplane company - and it was, surprise surprise: ran by engineers. Then we have Douglas - ran by Finance bean counters. In 67, Douglas was facing bankruptcy, and - as a defence contractor, the US government in it’s infinite wisdom forced Boeing to merge with it, and - to put the cream on the top followed by the crowning toxic jewel on top: The executives that caused the problems at Douglas were put in charge, and - Boeing has gone downhill since. At one point an executive at the new Boeing said something along the lines of: “I don’t want to be distracted by the details of building airplanes” - like, I’m sorry: THAT IS WHAT YOUR COMPANY DOES, those aren’t the distractions - that is your core needed responsibility to make sure it’s done right.

      We good with why the above is a problem?

      So lets look at Covid: Finance people want the economy to keep going - so drag their feet on doing what is necessary. Finance people don’t want to be inconvienienced, so… push for changes that are beneficial to them IN THE SHORT TERM. And finally, we see the idea that a Stage 4 Cancer Patient who passes away being labeled as a Covid Death… Why? I think it serves 2 reasons: 1, it makes the hospital numbers look more paletable for awhile - Covid death is “new scary virus” not, “Something we have been dealing with for forever” and 2. It justifies massive inflationary spend by the government - enabling them to effecitvely pick winners (big business), and losers (small business).

      The thing is: This shift - this Financiers over Engineers and people in their field running the show, is both the Republicans AND Democrats. That is: Democrat Social Justice types use inflationary spending to shove money at the cost of EVERYONE at whatever group they are “fighting for” and, Republican types love to shove tax benefits in the hands of their prefered businesses. And what are the fixes? It’s really simple: End Inflationary Monetary Policy.

      Thing is: Sick people masking? Makes sense. Properly cleaning high contact often terribly dirty things like debit pin pads - makes sense. More frequent cleaning of public bathrooms: Makes sense. This isn’t exactly rocket science. But forcing an untested thing onto people, after hiding the details from the public is disgusting. And the fact that people don’t get it - that is a huge problem.

      • @newDayRocks
        34 months ago

        People are avoiding him because to do otherwise is to feed the troll.

        No one who uses the argument that there are more covid deaths under Biden than Trump is arguing in good faith. If you don’t understand the reason for that you are not capable of a discussion.

        If you are arguing that Biden made Covid policy decisions for the economy over safety and somehow believe Trump would not, you are not arguing in good faith. The difference is Biden has advisors and weighs the nuanced effects, like any rational intelligent human being, whereas Trump would do Trump things.

        There is no need to dissect the policy for this guy.

        • @[email protected]
          4 months ago

          Everything you just said about me can be discredited by simply reading what I wrote. You aren’t capable of a discussion; you can’t read. You’re a profoundly unserious person who speaks on things they have not looked into. And equal to the dumbest people in the world: you credit yourself for it.

    • @recapitated
      4 months ago

      Sometimes I downvote something when I’m annoyed by the time I spent reading it, and I’m merely trying to signal to the good folks here that they can spend their time a better way. Not every dumb take deserves an actual reply. In fact almost none of them do. I just want to help people who value their time, as they have done for me. That is pretty much the purpose of the voting system. We’re helping each other out.

      • @[email protected]
        -34 months ago

        If I’m wrong about something you don’t need a downvote because someone would have come in and made my position untenable in the face of their replies. Downvotes are for toxic losers who want to express their disapproval without either spending the time thinking to formulate why, or exposing their position to criticism in return.

        • @recapitated
          4 months ago

          My man, do you hear yourself? You’re on tirades flying off the handle all over the forum. Bent out of shape over Internet points, meanwhile other folks are actually replying to you. Get over yourself. Hug a family member or something.

          • @[email protected]
            4 months ago

            I’m scolding people for not engaging. Stop projecting your reddit brain internet point obsession onto me. You’re the one who decided to interject. And now you’re overreacting to me replying to you? I guess you felt entitled to talk down to me without my having an opportunity to explain myself? Get over yourself. Go back to hiding behind your downvotes if this is how you react to a back and forth.

            • @recapitated
              4 months ago

              I have been downvoted and it caused me to introspect.

              It doesn’t necessarily change my values or even my position but it is a signal for me to think about the way I’m thinking about stuff. It means I’m clearly missing a perspective.

              In the case of you, I think there are enough people trying to reply with reasoning that the up votes and downvotes are just other people supporting positions and expressing their rejection of a position which is already being refuted. They’re adding signal without noise.

              • @[email protected]
                4 months ago

                There have been no reasonable replies. Nothing but covid deniers and vapid slapfighters like you. Not a single person with a well thought out position that comports with measurable reality. When lies don’t work, there’s grandstanding like you’re doing without a single thing of substance to reply to. BlueMAGA and nothing else.

                The reason you don’t think Biden did anything wrong, it turns out, is because you agree with him that covid is over and if you die it’s your fault for being disabled, poor or unlucky not getting a vaccine (despite most people who die being vaccinated).

                You don’t have a problem with Biden because you’re also a eugenicist. Close enough to a nazi that I feel no hesitation in giving you the title. It’s not the only piece of nazi ideology you’ve taken on yourself with your support of the democrats.

                You’re talking down to me but I think you’re subhuman. And my reasoning is inarguable. The attitude towards people who die of covid in this thread is borderline gleeful. But then again you have a .world account so the fact that your beliefs and values are indistinguishable from nazis is pretty much ‘dog bites man’

                • @recapitated
                  24 months ago

                  It’s the extreme leaps to wild conjecture that you’re asserting here that makes it so difficult to take you seriously. It’s hard for me to conclude you aren’t a troll. It’s simply not normal or healthy to make assessments of the intentions of people who barely said anything. Not one of us is an oracle like that. In the off chance that you are intending to be a serious person who just happens to have a bad attitude and chip on your shoulder, I sincerely hope you have lovely and supportive people around you. You deserve the best.

                  • @[email protected]
                    4 months ago

                    What do you think the word ‘conjecture’ means?

                    assessments of the intentions of people who barely said anything

                    Stop vagueposting. You want to grandstand but you don’t actually want to expose your bullshit to scrutiny. What is your problem with me? Say it out loud.

                    What a pompous weaselly noodge.