Caught up to side stories in Side Jobs by Jim Butcher. It’s a short stories collection in Dresden Files universe. Only 1 short story and 1 novella remaining in the book. Short story is after next the book and the novella is after the book after that.

Now reading The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King. I have this book in my library for over 15 years. Bought it a long time ago just by looking at King’s name, but then assumed it must be a part of a series (at that time all fantasy I had read were part of series), so left it for later and then forgot. Someone mentioned the book somewhat recently, and I looked it up again and found out it’s a standalone book, so finally reading it now.

It’s written in very different style from King’s usual work, like a tale told orally. It’s also a medieval fantasy, with kings, magic and dragons. Also, not as long, less than 400 pages. I am about halfway done, and enjoying the book. Should finish it soon-ish.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening to lately?

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  • @dogslayeggs
    54 months ago

    Currently reading One Dark Window, the first book in the Shepherd King series by Rachel Gillig. It’s fun and interesting, with a good magic system. The romance aspect is a little obvious and over-done at times, though.

    I really liked Eyes of the Dragon when I read it 30 years ago. It was fun and different from his other works. It was maybe the second fantasy book I ever read, so the new type of world was eye opening to me at the time. Not sure how I’d like it now, but I really enjoyed it then.