
In Wayne County, Arab American precincts rejected Kamala Harris, with Biden receiving 82% of the vote in 2020 and Harris only 23% in 2024.

Trump’s outreach to Arab American and Muslim communities, including visits to Dearborn and Hamtramck, contributed to his increased support.

Harris’s performance in Dearborn, where she received only 13% of the vote in the south end, reflects the backlash against Biden’s handling of foreign policy in the Middle East.

  • @cm0002
    4 months ago

    Oh yea, because Trump’s definitely gonna take a stand against Israel and TOTALLY won’t give them a blank check and encourage genocide. Nope.

    At least we didn’t give that blUe MagA the Trifecta! We did it Lemmy!

    • @SmilingSolaris
      -24 months ago

      They didn’t vote for trump. They didn’t vote. Both sides promised to continue the genocide. That’s pretty fair.

      • @cm0002
        4 months ago

        “A non-vote is a vote for Trump”

        Trump did not gain a whole lot of raw votes compared to 2020. Last I saw he had figures of a net gain of ~500k

        Harris fell 4 million short. If you didn’t vote because of some stupid protest, you voted for Trump. Netanyahu publicly wanted Trump to win.

        AFAIC, every protest-voter, every third-party voter, every “BlUe MAgA” screecher is a MAGAt who directly contributed to this shit show we’re about to have.

        • @SmilingSolaris
          24 months ago

          Let’s see how many more elections y’all gotta lose before you learn. Or maybe y’all lost the big one because you just couldn’t stop yourselfs from begging for leftist votes you couldnt compromise with.

          Except it’s not even you. Your just a random dude body blocking for a billion dollar campaign. Human being to human being here, why can’t you blame the DNC? Genuinely? They ran the election, they got the polls, they knew what was popular and what they would win votes with but we’re unwilling to do it and gambled on a different strategy. Is that not their fault?

          • @cm0002
            124 months ago

            why can’t you blame the DNC?

            Oh I do, but they are not 100% here, in all likelihood MAGA would have fallen apart had he lost and then we could have had our hand ringing and protest votes and all that for 4 years. Giving the Rs the senate and house would have been preferable to a Trump presidency if you wanted to protest something.

            • @SmilingSolaris
              34 months ago

              I fully agree with you. And I took voted harris just to be clear. But you believe the Dems could of won with the leftist vote that sat out. The Dems were also aware of that due to the large uncommitted movement. Is that not enough to blame the dems for never shifting any position leftward to capture and motivate that base? Why does your final blame, the one that has you here arguing with presumably like minded allies for the upcoming fascist regime rather than joining in blaming the DNC in hopes that that pressure will cause them to not try the same “fuck the left” strategy they have now lost 2 elections with trump over.

              • @D1G17AL
                -14 months ago

                She got like 12 million less votes than Biden. Wake the fuck up. The single-issue voters ruined this. Protest voters ruined this.

                • @[email protected]
                  24 months ago

                  No the fuck they did not.

                  They contributed to this outcome. But the real root cause is that the DNC thought it would be a great idea to just straight up ignore the base, ignore the fact that despite the fact that “the economy is great”, normal fucking people in the middle and lower class have been struggling for like a decade and a half. The middle class is being hollowed out, and the lower class is being crushed to death. THAT is the primary reason Harris lost: nobody believes the idiotic platitudes the DNC shills anymore, because there’s never fucking ANY follow through. Single issue voters were just the frosting on that cake.

                  All that said: dropping that many voters from the base should be grounds for fully excommunicating any and all party leadership from the DNC. And if they aren’t , the Democratic Party genuinely cannot be considered a serious political party anymore (but they’ll surely shamble on for years due to mega donors).

      • @D1G17AL
        64 months ago

        Oh cause that is really going to help things. That’s such a stupid stance to take. It’s a complete abdication of any agency or power they have as voters. In this election a non-vote was a vote for Trump cause most likely non-voters were the pearl clutching centrist democrats who were literally one-issue voters. One-issue voters are pathetic and stupid.