• @genXgentleman
    4 months ago

    Yes, I remember the reports on that podcast. (There was no way that I could listen to it.) Apparently, common sense has left the building. When I took ancient history, another student asked how or why did the Roman Empire fall. (Honestly, the answer has multiple factors.) However, we have witnessed the reason why the U.S. will fail. The republicans’ planned results of demolishing the education system has seen fruition and the plot of “Idiocracy” has come to pass.

    “The government that you elect is the government you deserve.” — Thomas Jefferson

    If everyone knew U.S. Government & Economics, they would also know that there isn’t too much they president can do to improve the economy. He can make it worse quickly with bad policies, but not much on improving it. He cannot control the Fed or prices. The last president who tried to control prices was Nixon with a prices freeze, and that started the dominoes which made everything worse all the way through to the end of Carter’s term. The presidential policies that can effect the economy for good, most of the time, take a year or more to see results. Basically, that’s why the republicans get credit for improving the economy, from the democratic president before him. This is the first time that there’s been a ‘soft landing’ from inflation, if memory serves.

    • @DarkFuture
      14 months ago

      “The government that you elect is the government you deserve.” — Thomas Jefferson

      Yup. That’s actually why I’m almost relieved in a way. The last 4 years I spent A LOT of time on social media trying to combat misinformation by spreading factual data. It didn’t matter. Americans aren’t intersted in learning. Many aren’t even interested in doing their civic duty by voting. So now I’m hands off. I’m just here to watch the slow (or maybe fast) collapse. I honestly don’t believe there’s much to be done about it at this point.

      The collected data over time is there. Freely available. It clearly shows us which choice was the more intelligent choice. And we ignored that and chose poorly at a vital point in American history, despite being given all the warning signs.

      We are simply a society set up to fail.

      • @genXgentleman
        14 months ago

        We have definitely started the slow burn of our country. We may be seeing the reason why the ‘founding fathers’ did not want and think that the ‘common man’ should be allowed to vote. Back then, the common man did not own property and was not educated. Maybe they thought that the common man lacked the knowledge and insight to understand the nuances of governing. I strongly believe that this past voting cycle showed a strong lack of understanding, emotional myopathy, and the pure racism & sexism that exists in our country.