• @vxx
    124 months ago

    Most manufacturers use the door handle to override the electronic system. Like pulling twice or harder than usual.

    • @Duamerthrax
      4 months ago

      That’s fine then. We’re relearning why all cars with manual transmissions have the same foot pedal and shift pattern arrangement. It’s so in a panic situation, people aren’t having to orientate themselves mentally and can just go off of muscle memory to save themselves. I should be shocked that Tesla didn’t hire any auto industry veterans that know that, but I’m not. This reeks of software dev shit where every new MBA coming in just has to shake things up and reinvent everything so they can leave their mark.

      • @Whats_your_reasoning
        4 months ago

        And it reeks because they “leave their mark” just like an unneutered cat.

      • dream_weasel
        24 months ago

        Anyone who has ever been in a Tesla knows they’re a software company, not a car company. The cars are made like crap.

        I still wouldn’t go back to ICE though.

        • @Duamerthrax
          34 months ago

          Nothing about having an EV drive train requires electric doors. Others have already said that other EVs have manual doors or manual override for panic situations.

          • dream_weasel
            14 months ago

            Didn’t say I wouldn’t go back to manual latches, just not going back to ICE (or selling my almost paid cars) because elon is a twit or they are unreasonably dangerous in the event of a freak accident.

            This is a stupid problem to have, but expected value says most people will never have it.

            • @Duamerthrax
              04 months ago

              Nobody asked you to sell your car. Stop taking this discussion personally.

              Also, Expected Value is irrelevant for safety features.

              • dream_weasel
                4 months ago

                Dude shut up lol. Everybody is jerking off on Tesla for an admittedly gnarly problem that will affect practically no one. Yes it’s stupid, but so is your furious masturbation to Tesla issues at the expense of actually reading the comments.

                And yes, expected values against risk are literally all that matter. If that was not the case, no car would ever move from the assembly line for fear of rolling over a toddler or crashing into a cyclist. Pucker up your flapping butthole you’re talking out of and collect yourself. People will still stroke your weiner for saying “Tesla bad” even if you resort to reading and discussion; it will be ok. Stop putting words in other commenters mouths.

                  • dream_weasel
                    14 months ago

                    How many Teslas have been purchased and how many Teslas ended up in this situation? While it’s a sucky design decision, it’s sucky in an extreme edge case. S/Could it be fixed? Sure why not. Has something equally as ridiculous killed people in Ford f150s, Honda odessys, or Toyota Camrys like stupid gas tank configuration or glass that doesn’t break or seatbelts you can’t cut? I would put money on it. But nobody reports on that because the cool thing to do is smugly say Tesla sucks.

                    And they do! I have two and they are shitty made cars, but they have an enviable charging network and are constantly improving software and features. Mostly they are making Ford/Chevy/Honda get off their asses and do something and that’s ok with me.

                    4 people. FOUR? 2 maybe 3 cars out of a fucking GAZILLION? Sorry for those people and their families but that’s not a percentage where I complain or make an effort to change anything as a consumer.

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        I read an article that Teslas are designed to have thier electrics in a daisy chain to avoid big ugly bundles of wires. But that just means a failure propagates down the chain so non critical systems can take out critical ones. Clearly he doesn’t listen to or hire car engineers.