Let’s say you’re a mega wealthy billionaire who has suddenly realized that if he cozies up close to a presidential candidate, he could have more power and wealth than ever before. What’s stopping you from figuring out who the electorates are and offering them whatever they want if they vote for your guy? What’s stopping them from taking the deal?

  • @givesomefucks
    4 months ago


    It’s another one of those things where we’re not going to codify it because Republicans want it as a pocket ace, and moderates control party policy and they just have a phobia of admitting anything actually needs fixed, let alone fixing it.

    But the electors in a lot of states can do what they want

    32 states + DC are legally required to vote for the party that nominated them as electors tho.

    So some are “locked in”, the rest can pretty much do what they want. I know some states are on an “interstate compact” where once they get enough states it triggers them having to vote for the national popular vote winner.

    But I’m not sure what the overlap is with the ones who already have the requirement to vote for the party that appointed them or how that will shake out.