• @houstoneulers
    4 months ago

    Dude, your first post advocated for unprovoked violence. You can’t even read your own words lmao

    Not to mention you inferred all of that. I didnt say it explicitly, genius.

    • @Sanctus
      4 months ago

      “Don’t stand up against bullies, they’ll hurt your kids and your kids will be arrested and detained and suspended and kicked out!” The fuck else am I supposed to gleam from all these bitch ass “arguments”. Its the same bullshit as American Media collectively pulling their own punches against Trump and now he’s won. So once again, I’m glad it bothers you this much because Idfk who in their right mind advocates for putting your head down and not standing up. Jesus fucking Christ. Its also, NOT UNPROVOKED, if YOU can read, I said I told my daughters to punch people who say this to them. How is that unprovoked? Words are nothing now?

      • @houstoneulers
        04 months ago

        You need to realize you inferred all of that. There are other ways to stand up against bullies. If you weren’t such an angry wreck, your brain might actually be able to pick up on them.

        Words are nothing. YOU are the one letting them get to you. They also arent, by any means, legal protection for violent responses as they are still considered free speech.

        • @Sanctus
          -14 months ago

          You need to realize you’ve also inferred most of what you’re saying about me. I know you want to have the last word and see some miraculous breakthrough. But you won’t. You’re right, words are nothing. Hit your bully today!

          • @houstoneulers
            4 months ago

            You’re literally promoting violence right now lmao. You are as sharp as a jelly bean.

            You’ve said you attacked ppl on behalf of others. You said you told your daughters, and I quote:

            “If they even lean conservative I’ve told them its acceptable to clock them in the jaw”

            • @Sanctus
              04 months ago

              Look at the state of conservatism? Look you can be as angry as you want that we punch Nazis here. Its just what a good American should do. Also I didn’t attack people on behalf of my friends. When someone hits your friend multiple times, or even once, you are allowed to defend them by using force back. I know you cowered and let your friends take the dolling, but I didn’t. Thats okay.