In a letter issued Tuesday, the school’s principal Aaron Hobbs said the intention “was to foster a message of peace and remembrance, reflecting on the importance of unity and reconciliation,” but that he has since become aware the song “caused significant distress to some members of our school community.”

“For this, I would like to offer my apologies,” he said.

The song title, when translated to English, roughly means “This Is Peace.” Many comments on multiple Youtube videos of the song, speak of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the suffering of Palestinians, though the song itself makes no mention of the conflict in the Middle East.

“The inclusion of a song that could be seen as politically charged was not in line with the values of respect and unity that we strive to uphold at this school,” wrote Hobbs

I don’t know the song but this doesn’t look good.

However, several human rights advocacy groups are now condemning the backlash, calling it anti-Palestinian and anti-Arab.

“Just because the language is Arabic?” asked Jamila Ewais, a researcher with the Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East’s anti-racism program. “What if someone was singing this language, let’s say this song or like a similar song in, I don’t know German or Ukrainian language?”


  • @[email protected]
    64 months ago

    Prefix to my comment:

    Oct 7th was an atrocity deserving of the harshest of backlash. It was in no way justified despite the unfair and frustrating issue of Israeli settlement and the division of Palestine by colonial powers in the 20th century. Israel’s response has been too aggressive in how they’ve fully disregarded humanitarian aid in their undiscerning destruction of Gaza in the year since.

    Now my comment:

    I think it was insensitive and stupid to play this song on a day to remember our troops who gave their lives or continue to fight for Canadian freedom and sovereignty. I don’t think it added to the cause of Gaza, I think it just distracted and created more division.

    Really it was a foolish thing to do.