• @simplymath
    4 months ago

    I’m not saying that at all. I’m just saying that crediting the the UK for progressive politics while they enslaved half the world is a weird take.

    I would make the exact same claim about the US, considering that neo-slavery (indentured servitude/whites only towns) wasn’t abolished until after world war 2.

    In fact, one of the most violent events in US history was a white mob that murdered an entire town of black people for trying to unionize.

    Those white folks sure understood the power of working class solidarity and it’s fundamental threat to capital.

    That’s also probably why MLKJ was assassinated during the poor people’s campaign that sought to unite the grievances of the civil rights movement with the concerns of poor whites.

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      You sound more concerned about the extremely racist history of the US than how many other nations were able to cement many a workers’ right in their legislation through voting for the right policies

      • @simplymath
        14 months ago

        You have failed to list a single example of legislative change that didn’t have the backing of a mass mobilization and credible threats to capital. I have presented several instances that support the claim that legislative change is dependent on working class organization.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Lots of legislative changes are enacted without mass mobilization, bomb attacks, ‘threats to capital’

          You can study the evolution of paternal and maternal leave in Sweden as a nice example. The Swedes didn’t have to bomb any Ikeas - they just consistently voted for the right politicians.