
Brittany Patterson, 41, was shocked to face a criminal charge for alleged reckless conduct when her unsupervised 10-year-old son walked less than a mile from their home.

Although authorities offered to drop the charge if she agreed to always supervise her children, Patterson refuses to sign, insisting she did nothing wrong and will fight the charge, which could lead to up to a year in jail.

Her lawyer argues that parents should have discretion over their children’s whereabouts, questioning if constant GPS tracking is now expected. Patterson was released on $500 bail.

  • @ThePyroPython
    792 months ago

    America: where young people are coddled until they’re 18 then it’s either sell your body, sell your soul, or both multiple times over just to survive.

    • @Crackhappy
      422 months ago

      Or get sold into sexual slavery, and if you get pregnant by your rapist, fuck you, you’re having his baby.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      The coddling is a fairly recent thing. People born in the late 90s is who it started with, about the time that 24hr propaganda news channels became a thing.